“Join the Rampage™”
President’s Report from the California Congress of Republicans’ (CCR)
Special Convention, 2019 in Sacramento
For those familiar with the saying, “Welcome! Enter as guests; leave as friends,” our 2019 CCR Special Convention on Friday February 22 in Sacramento was a rousing success. The biggest complaint – attesting to the enormous interest in our gathering? Not enough chairs! Hyatt Regency Hotel staff received requests from the CCR team to provide more seats for our CCR officers, delegates, chapter members, CAGOP candidates and guests. Thankfully, the extra chairs were speedily delivered and all was well. Membership Secretary Pam Corradi, SPARC Board Member Dee Buhler and CCR First Lady Tiffany Verbica ensured that attendees were registered, fed, welcomed and seated.

Newly elected CAGOP Vice Chair and former SPARC VP Peter Kuo, CCR President Peter Verbica, SPARC Officer Alex Glew.
Business of the day included the unanimous ratification of two new chapters (East Valley Congress of Republicans (led by Victor San Vincente, Larry and Christina Ciardella) and Central Coast Congress of Republicans (led by John Yost, Lea Reed and Kristen Collishaw), the election of 2019/2020 CCR executive officers, President Peter Coe Verbica, Vice President Mark Hershey, Membership Secretary Pam Corradi, Recording Secretary Sharon Durbin, Treasurer RJ Kelly, Regional Vice Presidents Margaret Dominici, Carl Burton, Larry Ciardella, Steve Brown, Dean Haddock, Rob Bernosky, Katie Varner, Anna Bryson (founding member and President of the Orange County Congress of Republicans), Robin Lowe, and Don Genhart, and the endorsement of the following CAGOP officer candidates: Chair, Jessica Patterson, Vice Chair Corrin Rankin (defeated at the CAGOP Convention on 2/24 by former SPARC Officer Peter Kuo), Secretary Randy Berholtz, Treasurer Kathy Tavoularis (defeated at the CAGOP Convention on 2/24 by Greg Gandrud), Regional Vice Chairs Matt Heath, Deborah E.G. Wilder, Jason Clark, Dr. Dean Haddock (defeated in CAGOP election by Lisa Moreno), Lindsey Stetson. and Chair of County Chairs, Mike Osborn. In addition, CCR unanimously endorsed three resolutions presented by CCR River City (Sacramento) Chapter President Carl Burton: the Vietnamese American Resolution, the Chinese Railroad Workers Resolution, and Assembly Bill No. 387, calling for better labeling of medications. A special shout-out of thanks to SPARC Member Robert Varich who served as Sergeant-at-Arms and time keeper and 2019 CCR Special Convention sponsors Gold: Swenson, Dan and Patricia Bozzuto, and Silver: Peter Kuo, Tracey Enfantino, Carlos and Cecilia Montalvo, and Rick Leisinger.
Certificates and special acknowledgements were bestowed upon former CCR Presidents in attendance, including James Bratt, Carl Burton, Pam Corradi, Robin Lowe (in absentia) and Darrell Connerton. CCR tips its hat to other former Presidents, including Mark Vafiades, Bonnie Shea, Stuart Posselt, Dennis Catron, Robin Lowe and Patty Kelly. Special thanks to Carl Burton and Bob Evans, for setting up and manning the popular CCR Table. Scores stopped by to say “hello,” and peruse the literature and purchase raffle tickets for some cool prizes, including a framed print of the Republican Presidents by Andy Thomas. Carl Burton also displayed a beautiful plaque acknowledging the contributions of out-going CAGOP Chair, Senator Jim Brulte (ret.).
Orange County Congress of Republicans VP of Programming Bill Evers made an announcement to be sure to go to his Chapter’s social media page. Many other chapters, including the South Peninsula Area Republican Coalition (SPARC) (led by President Timur Engin, VPs Jayne Ham, Leslie Mayr, Dee Buhlerand Treasurer Rodney Neils Mayr), the Hemet-San Jacinto California Congress of Republicans (led by President Sharon Durbin and VPs Bonnie Wright, Robin Lowe, Secty. Susan Watson, and Treasurer Charlene Stover) and CCR itself, have a significant social media presence as well. (And, for access to chapter’s newsletters, including the Republican Club at the Villages (led by President Carla Evans, VPs Burt Lancaster, Mary Wagle, Secretaries Sue Herfurth, Gary Hill, and Treasurer Ruth Branch) and the Republican Club of Ocean Hills (led by President Barbara Fleeman Hazlett, VPs Lavonna Young,Michael Richardson, Secretaries Sally Booth, Treasurer Judith Fulop and others) please feel welcome to go to CCR’s Chapters’ Blog. Special thanks to Betsy Mahan and David Nos for ensuring that CCR social media and email communications are well-organized.
**Stay tuned for more information about our 2019 Fall CCR Board Meeting (currently scheduled for September 6, 2019 in Indian Wells, California).**