Welcome message from Mark Hershey
California Congress of Republicans (CCR) is a statewide organization, permanently chartered by the California Republican Party with chapters throughout the State of California. Many of our members also serve on their respective county Republican Central Committees and...
South County Congress of Republicans
Leadership Matt Wendt, President Email: Mattwendtsccr@gmail.com Tim Herlihy, Vice President Email: tim@creativemfgsol.com Chris Borello, Membership Secretary Email: chris@borellofamily.com (408) 710-7069 Tom Guinane, Recording Secretary...
Republican Club of Ocean Hills January 2020 Newsletter
A Cattleman’s Christmas
Some say that they’ve drawn the cowboy out of Christmas, taken most of the marrow out of the holiday’s hallowed bones. I’m not going to preach to you that it’s wrong or right; I suppose it’s something that just is.
Secrets of Success from the Best in the West
One of the most vibrant chapters of CCR is the Republican Club of Ocean Hills. John Murphy, its Second Vice President of Membership, shares how his chapter has continued to blossom.
The Sunsetting of the First Amendment
The debate at hand is whose First Amendment right is it? The content publisher’s or the content creator’s? Are the social media giants a monopoly or public utility? While the debate continues, if your posts on social media become censured, you can’t say that you weren’t put on notice.
Republican Club at the Villages August 2020 Newsletter
Republican Club at The Villages July 2020 Newsletter
Take a Knee for Hao Haidong
Haidong unequivocally put his own life, and perhaps the rest of his family’s, on the line by criticizing the CCP. Shortly after his condemnation of his country’s totalitarian rulers, his social media account with millions of followers was summarily erased. If you must take a knee for diversity, consider taking a knee for diversity of ideas, such as “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness,” and take a knee for Hao Haidong.