SPARC March Dinner Featuring Steve Hilton

Grassroots February 2018
The February Edition of GrassRoots includes important details on the April 7 Endorsing Convention. Learn more about this event that will take place in beautiful Aptos, California.
Republican Club of Ocean Hills January 2018 Newsletter
SPARC January Dinner Featuring Assemblyman Vince Fong

Welcome Message from Peter Coe Verbica
Through communications and teamwork, CCR President Peter Coe Verbica is optimistic about the future of CCR. Read some of the latest news about Chapter events and activities.

Republican Club of Ocean Hills General Membership Meeting
"Public Safety Priorities for San Diego County" will be the title of San Diego DA Summer Stephan's presentation.
October Dinner with John Chambers

Art Sanchez Appointed CA Republican Party Delegate
CCR President Peter Coe Verbica has appointed Orange County Republican Art Sanchez as a Delegate to the California Republican Party.
SPARC August 2017 Dinner

Revitalized California Congress of Republicans’ Incoming President Seeks Inclusion
Newly-elected CCR President Peter Coe Verbica is working toward a more inclusive Republican Party. “Californians want a clear path to the best schools, reasonable gasoline and income taxes, dams and roads which are maintained, and land use policies which allow for affordable homes.”