Why It’s Important to Take a Stand
An Open “Thank You” Letter to CCR Members by Peter Coe Verbica, President California Congress of Republicans (“CCR”) Whatever your party, chances are you admire those who take a stand for what they believe. One of the most notable examples is Winston Churchill, a...
SPARC January 2019 Dinner
Hemet San Jacinto Chapter January 2019 Newsletter
SPARC Holiday Party
East Valley Congress of Republicans
Leadership Larry Ciardella, President Email: ciardellal@aol.com Victor San Vicente, Vice President Email: victorgsanvicente@yahoo.com Chris Ciardella, Secretary/Treasurer
Hemet San Jacinto Valley December Newsletter
Hemet San Jacinto Valley Candidates Meet and Greet
Republican Club of Ocean Hills August News
Republican Club of Ocean Hills July News
Santa Clarita Congress of Republicans 4th of July Parade
Report from Mark Hershey Santa Clarita Congress of Republicans participated in our local 4th of July Parade. Our club has entered a float in this parade for at least the last fifteen years. This year's theme was "It's a Grand Old Flag." Our float honored the 100th...