
Peter Verbica Leads the California Congress of Republicans
May 1, 2017

Peter Coe VerbicaThe Bay Area’s Peter Verbica has been elected by the California Congress of Republicans to serve as its new state president for the next two years. He was elected unanimously at the recent state convention held in Burbank.

The California Congress of Republicans (CCR) is a grassroots political organization, founded in 1989 and permanently chartered by the California Republican Party. It has local chapters around the state.

In addition to usual Republican political goals, one of Peter Verbica’s major goals is more inclusion. He said, “We envision an inclusive Republican Party in California. We are the party of hope and opportunity for all Californians. We know what works and we have clearly seen what doesn’t work. Californians want a clear path to the best schools, reasonable gasoline and income taxes, dams and roads which are maintained, and land use policies which allow for affordable homes.”

Another goal is educational: “CCR is out to vigorously educate the public on critical issues, including how costs spiral upwards in higher education, housing and transportation because of government’s restriction of supply.”

Verbica points out that “California has some of the worst schools in the nation, the highest levels of poverty, a crumbling infrastructure, high gasoline, sales and income taxes, and restrictive land use policies which drive down supply and increase housing costs.”

Peter Coe Verbica is the current president of SPARC (South Peninsula Area Republican Coaltion), one of the most active CCR units. Professionally, he is a senior financial advisor and assistant vice president at a prominent wealth management company in Silicon Valley. He is also an adjunct professor in the Economics Department at San Jose State, where he teaches a popular “Principles of Investments” course.

Mr. Verbica has served the community on various non-profit boards and committees, including KTEH-TV, DeSaisset Museum, Bellarmine College Preparatory’s Board of Fellows, Boy Scouts, the Santa Cruz Ballet Theatre, Rotary Club of Santa Cruz and others.

Peter Verbica grew up on a cattle ranch in the hills of Northern California. He graduated from Bellarmine College Preparatory in San Jose. He earned his BA at Santa Clara University, a JD from Santa Clara University School of Law, and an MS at MIT.

His family donated the heart of Henry W. Coe, Jr. State Park, which is now California’s second largest state park. It’s located in the hills east of Morgan Hill and is named after Peter’s great grandfather.

Peter is an unabashed advocate of cowboy culture and enjoys creative writing, hiking, and tennis. He is married and has four daughters.    He’s proud that his oldest daughter served in the US Navy and that his second daughter is helping with deforestation issues in the Panamanian rain forest with the Smithsonian Institution.

Other Bay Area Republicans elected at the CCR convention are Division Vice Presidents George Yang and Steve Brown. You can learn more about the California Congress of Republicans at their website,

Republican National Convention 2012

Republican National Convention 2012


For Immediate Release:                           Contact James Davis or Kyle Downey


August 26, 2012 (813) 252-5888
Republican Convention Releases
Revised Convention-Week Schedule
Tampa, Fla. – Republican officials today released a revised convention-week schedule.

Changes in the schedule are the result of the convention’s decision postpone the Monday,

August 27 sessions due to weather-related concerns.

The revised schedule is as follows:

Monday, August 27, 2012
2:00 p.m. Chairman of the RNC Reince Priebus
Call to Order/Start Debt Clocks
2:10 p.m. Announcement of Recess
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
2:00 p.m. Chairman of the RNC Reince Priebus
Color Guard Knights of Columbus
Pledge of Allegiance by Former Governor Tim Babcock (MT)/ Tom Hogan (FL)
National Anthem sung by Philip Alongi
Invocation by Rabbi Meir Soloveichik
Opening procedural steps, appointment of convention committees
Welcoming remarks, and House and Senate candidates and RNC auxiliaries
RNC Chairman Priebus
RNC Co-Chairman Sharon Day
Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn
Convention Chief Executive Officer William Harris
Chairman of Tampa Bay Host Committee Al Austin
Republican Congressional Candidates
State Delegate Barbara Comstock (VA)
Representative Tim Griffin (AR)
Republican Senate Candidates
Republican National Committee auxiliaries
Consideration of convention committee reports
RNC Chairman Reince Priebus
Committee on Credentials Chairman Mike Duncan
Committee on Permanent Organization Chairwoman Zoraida Fonalledas
Convention Permanent Chairman Speaker John Boehner, Presiding
Official Convention Photograph
Committee on Rules Chairman John Sununu
Committee on Resolutions Chairman Governor Bob McDonnell
Committee on Resolutions Co-Chairman U.S. Senator John Hoeven
Committee on Resolutions Co-Chairman U.S. Rep. Marsha Blackburn
Roll Call for Nomination of President of the United States
Roll Call for Nomination of Vice President of the United States
6:40 p.m. Recess
7:00 p.m. Reconvene
Remarks by Speaker John Boehner
Remarks by RNC Chairman Reince Priebus
Video and remarks by Mayor Mia Love (Saratoga Springs, UT), U.S. congressional candidate
Remarks by Janine Turner
Remarks by former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum
Remarks by Host, U.S. Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers
8:00 p.m. Remarks by U.S. Senator Kelly Ayotte (NH), accompanied by Jack Gilchrist
Remarks by Governor John Kasich (OH)
Remarks by Governor Mary Fallin (OK)
Remarks by Governor Bob McDonnell (VA), accompanied by Bev Gray
Remarks by Governor Scott Walker (WI)
9:00 p.m. Remarks by Governor Brian Sandoval (NV)
Remarks by Sher Valenzuela (small business owner, candidate for DE Lt. Governor)
Remarks by Senate Republican Candidate Ted Cruz (TX)
Remarks by Artur Davis
Remarks by Governor Nikki Haley (SC)
10:00 p.m. Remarks by Mrs. Luce’ Vela Fortuño
Remarks by Mrs. Ann Romney
Remarks by Governor Chris Christie (NJ)
Benediction by Sammy Rodriguez
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
7:00 p.m. Convention convenes
Call to order
Introduction of Colors by Amputee Veterans of America Support Team (AVAST)
Pledge of Allegiance by Brigadier General Patrick E. Rea, US Army (Ret.)
National Anthem sung by Ayla Brown
Invocation by Ishwar Singh
Ron Paul Video
Remarks by Senate Republican Leader and Convention Temporary Chairman Mitch McConnell (KY)
Remarks by Senator Rand Paul (KY)
Remarks by Christopher Devlin-Young and Jeanine McDonnell
8:00 p.m. Remarks by Senator John McCain (AZ)
Remarks by Attorney General Pam Bondi (FL) and Attorney General Sam Olens (GA)
Remarks by Governor Bobby Jindal (LA)
Remarks by Senator John Thune (SD)
Remarks by Senator Rob Portman (OH)
9:00 p.m. Remarks by Governor Luis Fortuño (PR)
Remarks by Governor Tim Pawlenty (MN)
Bush 41, 43 Film
Remarks by Mike Huckabee
10:00 p.m. Remarks by Condoleezza Rice
Remarks by Governor Susana Martinez (NM)
Remarks by vice presidential nominee Rep. Paul Ryan
Benediction by Archbishop Demetrios
Thursday, August 30, 2012
7:00 p.m. Convention convenes
Call to order
Introduction of Colors US Central Command Joint Forces Color Guard Team
Pledge of Allegiance by Dylan Nonaka
National Anthem sung by SEVEN
Invocation by Ken and Priscilla Hutchins
Remarks by U.S. Rep. Connie Mack (FL)
Reagan Legacy Video
Remarks by Newt and Callista Gingrich
Remarks by Craig Romney
8:00 p.m. Remarks by Governor former Jeb Bush (FL)
Remarks by Bob White, chairman of Romney for President campaign
Remarks by Grant Bennett
Remarks by Tom Stemberg
9:00 p.m. Remarks by former Massachusetts Lt. Governor Kerry Healey
Remarks by Jane Edmonds, former Massachusetts Secretary of Workforce
Remarks by Olympians Michael Eruzione, Derek Parra and Kim Rhode
10:00 p.m. Remarks by U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (FL)
Remarks by presidential nominee Mitt Romney
Benediction by Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan
Speaker Boehner declares convention adjourned
Paid for by the Committee on Arrangements for the 2012 Republican National Convention – Phone: (813) 381-5588 Not Authorized By Any Candidate or Candidate’s Committee


CCR Endorsing Convention 2012

CCR Endorsing Convention 2012

For Immediate Release                                                                   Contact: Darrell Connerton


California Congress of Republicans is pleased to announce the results of it’s Endorsing Convention held on March 23-25, 2012.   After hearing from the candidates and conducting delegate deliberation, the following candidates have received the CCR endorsement for these respective offices:

Mitt Romney                           President

Al Ramirez                              US Senate

David Valadao                        21st Congressional District

Kevin McCarthy                     22nd Congressional District

Buck McKeon                         25th Congressional District

Mark Reed                              30th Congressional District

Mary Bono-Mack                    45th Congressional District

Tony Strickland                      19th Senate District

Steve Knight                           21st Senate District

Todd Zink                               27th Senate District

Predo Rios                              32nd Assembly District

Shannon Grove                       34th Assembly District

Scott Wilk                               38th Assembly District

Greg Krikorian                        43rd Assembly District

Corky Reynaga-Emmett         56th Assembly District


The California Congress of Republicans was founded in 1989 as a mainstream conservative, grassroots volunteer organization.  The CCR is officially chartered as part of the California Republican Party.