Spring 2020 Convention
May 1-3, 2020
LAX Marriott

Stay tuned for more details!

Chair Jessica Millan Patterson

Jessica Millan Patterson is the first woman and first Latina to lead the California Republican Party. She has a long history of political involvement, most recently as CEO of the Trailblazers to recruit and train Republican candidates in California. Upon her election, Patterson invited her opponents, Travis Allen and Steve Frank, to lead a voter registration task force.

Vice Chair Peter Kuo

Peter Kuo is an immigrant, Founder of Silicon Valley International Group, CEO of Peter Kuo Insurance Agency, former Candidate for Congress and State Senate, and he is a member of CCR Chapter South Peninsula Area Republican Coalition (SPARC).

Treasurer Greg Gandrud

Greg Gandrud is the founder of Gandrud Financial Services Corporation where he manages tax and business services, wealth management, trust administration and real estate investments. He has served on the Carpenteria City Council and as the CAGOP Vice Chair for the Central Coast Region.

Secretary Randy Berholtz

Randy Berholtz is a lawyer and biotech executive from San Diego. He serves as outside counsel to the Election Integrity Project California and other private and public interest law firms, such as Judicial Watch, on matters relating to election integrity.